Sunday Mornings


WE JOYFULLY WELCOME CHILDREN of all ages and abilities in our worship services at Immanuel, as we believe they are valuable members of the body of Christ. We encourage families to sit closer to the front so children can see and participate more fully. We hope your family can join us soon!


Sunday Morning Schedule


Nursery care and Sunday School classrooms are located in the lower level.

  • Nursery: care for ages newborn up to 3 years old

  • Preschool (3’s & 4’s): play time and Bible story

  • Kindergarten—2nd grades: Studying through the Bible with The Gospel Project

  • 3rd—5th grades: Learning about the Bible with Phil Vischer’s What’s in the Bible?

All kids begin the Sunday School hour in their age-appropriate classrooms, then come together in a large group for Kids Music at end of the hour (10-10:15 am).

10:3011:45 WORSHIP HOUR

Nursery care for ages newborn up to 3 years continues into the Worship hour (lower level)

All kids ages 3 and up begin in the worship service.

They are dismissed to continue their worship in age-appropriate classes midway through the service (around 10:50 am).

Preschool (3’s & 4’s): attend our Young Children & Worship program

Kindergarten—2nd grades: attend our Following Jesus program

3rd—5th grades: attend our Bible Fellowship program

Check-in Procedures

Visiting Immanuel with kids? Head to the check-in station in the main lobby, where a volunteer will welcome you and help get your kids checked into our system for the morning.

  • 9:15 am: Check-in opens for kids ages newborn up to 5th grade for both the Sunday School and Worship hours.

  • After check-in, parents drop off kids in their Sunday School classrooms and/or Nursery care, all located in the lower level.

  • 10:15 am: After Sunday School, parents will pick up their kids ages 3 years through 5th grade from the Kids Music room (lower level) and head upstairs for the 10:30 am worship service.

  • Nursery care continues from one hour to the next.

  • 10:30 am: If your family arrives between 10-10:30 am, you will only check in your kids for the Worship hour.

  • Children participate in the first part of the worship service with their families, then are dismissed with a blessing from Pastor George to continue their worship downstairs in their worship program. Children’s Ministry volunteers accompany our children to their classrooms.

  • 11:45 am: After the worship service, parents pick up all kids from nursery and worship classes in the lower level.

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Image Ministry

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them." Genesis 1:27a (NKJV)

At Immanuel, we are excited to be part of the work that Wheaton College’s Center for Faith and Disability and WITH Ministries are doing to help every church welcome, include, and serve alongside families and children who need extra supports. We hope to continue enriching our congregation and community through the active presence and participation of children of all ages and abilities.

If accommodations in the worship service or the Sunday School setting would be helpful for you or your loved ones, or if you would like to learn more about parent supports available through Image Ministry, please contact our Children’s Minister, Annika Durbin.


Communion Sundays

The first Sunday of every month 

At Immanuel, we strongly value the involvement of children and youth in our church life. One way we live out this value is by inviting children to stay for the entire worship service once a month, in order to participate in the sacrament of Communion with their families.

On Communion Sundays there will be optional coloring pages and crayons available at the IMMANUEL KIDS check-in station in the lobby, to help your child engage in the worship service.

There are no children’s Worship Classes on Communion Sundays. (We still have Sunday School during the first hour!)

Child Safety

Out of love for the children God has placed in our midst, we take great care with our child safety policies and procedures.

  • Before serving in ministry, all volunteers with children and youth are required to attend an annual training on our Child Protection Policies, pass a police background check, and complete the IL Mandated Reporter training.

  • We have specific policies for diaper changes, children’s bathroom usage, adult to child ratios, and emergency procedures, which are posted in every classroom and regularly reviewed with volunteers.

  • We use a digital check-in system that helps us keep your kids safe and accounted for! Upon check-in each week, you will receive two printed tags: a parent pick-up tag, and a tag with your child’s name, classroom locations for that morning, any food allergies, and a unique code that matches the parent tag. We will only release children to parents who bring their tag to pick up, or to a parent/authorized guardian who is listed on the child’s account.


Name tags - Children’s Ministry volunteers wear name tags at all times so they can be quickly identified. If you have any questions or concerns, look for someone with a blue lanyard name tag and they will be happy to help you.

Security - All volunteers who work with children and youth are required to pass a police background check, attend annual training on our Child Protection Policies, and complete the IL Mandated Reporter training.

Want to join us? Click here for more information about opportunities for serving in Children’s Ministry.